@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000906, author = {張, 平星 and 山本, 美知留 and Zhang, Pingxing and Yamamoto, Michiru}, issue = {4}, month = {Feb}, note = {本研究は,日本三大銘茶の一つとされる狭山茶の主産地となる埼玉県入間市金子地区において,加治丘陵,霞川,金子台の地形構造と集落構造を反映した旧道沿いのお茶の景観を把握することで,狭山茶の景観上の魅力を発信できる散策ルートの提案を目的とした。選出した5ルートおよび入間市が整備した「茶畑と丘陵を歩く」コースを対象に,お茶の景観が見える区間と景観の変化点を記録し,QGISとAutoCADを用いて平面図と断面図を作成した。分析の結果,金子神社─西三ツ木橋ルート,愛宕神社─欄干橋ルート,山祇神社─大橋ルートの3ルートは,お茶の景観が見える区間が長く,景観の変化が多様であり,狭山茶の景観上の魅力発信に適していると考えられる。また,地形の起伏とアクセスを考慮し,3ルートそれぞれは金子駅からの利用者向け,仏子駅から加治丘陵の東部分を巡る登山者向け,高齢者向けとして提案できる。なお,「茶畑と丘陵を歩く」コースと併用することにより,お茶の景観に特化した短縮ルートが考えられる。, Sayama Tea, one of the famous tea brands in Japan, is mainly produced in Kaneko District, Iruma City, Saitama Prefecture. We aimed at proposing new walking paths that can demonstrate the value of Sayama tea to the public, decelerate the industry’s decline and promote regional development. Field surveys were conducted on five old village streets which started from the shrines or temple located on the southern foot of Kaji Hills and ended on the Kaneko Upland Area, as well as the walking path designated by Iruma City. The distances where the tea landscapes were visible along the streets and the points where the tea landscapes changed were recorded by QGIS. The elevation change was analyzed by AutoCAD. Authors found that Route Kaneko Shrine-Nishimitsukibashi Bridge, Route Atago Shrine-Rankanbashi Bridge, Route Yamadumi Shrine-Oohashi Bridge had longer distances where the tea landscapes were visible, and many changes in the landscape. Considering the landform and access, these three routes are convenient for visitors from JR Kaneko Station, hikers from Seibu Bushi Station and the eastern Kaji Hills, and for the elderly. Moreover, combining the old village streets and the walking path designated by Iruma City, new paths specializing in tea landscapes are proposed., E, 3, P, 論文, Article}, pages = {104--113}, title = {埼玉県入間市金子地区の旧道沿いにおけるお茶の景観分析に基づく狭山茶散策ルートの提案}, volume = {66}, year = {2022}, yomi = {チョウ, ヘイセイ and ヤマモト, ミチル} }