@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000833, author = {小山, 七海 and 荒井, 歩 and Oyama, Nanami and Arai, Ayumi}, issue = {3}, month = {Dec}, note = {神奈川県大磯は,その温暖な気候により近代に別荘地として注目された。1885(明治18)年に陸軍軍医である松本順によって海水浴場が開設されたことで別荘地としての発展が始まる。1887(明治20)年には国鉄東海道本線の大磯駅が開業し,1896(明治29)年に初代総理大臣伊藤博文が大磯に住んだことで多くの著名人が大磯に別荘地を設置した。本研究は,別荘居住者の職業属性と別荘地の所在地を調査した上で,別荘居住者間の関係性を明らかにした。加えて別荘居住者の大磯における行動状況も整理した。さらに,職業属性および入居年代毎に別荘地の立地場所の傾向を分析し,大磯の景観的特性との関係について考察を行った。調査の結果,別荘地では政治家を中心としたコミュニティが形成され,伊藤博文,陸奥宗光,西園寺公望,加藤高明,山県有朋の5名が別荘地形成のキーパーソンとして挙げられた。また別荘居住者は大磯において政治的交流や病気療養を行っていたほか,地域のために寄付行動を行っていた。別荘地の範囲を地形特性に基づき8つの領域に区分し,各領域内における別荘地の分布状況を調べた結果,居住年代毎に別荘地の立地傾向に特徴があることが明らかとなった。, Oiso, Kanagawa prefecture has a warm climate. Therefore it drew attention as an area suitable for the villas in the Meiji era. A beach was established in Oiso in 1885 by Jun Matsumoto, an army surgeon. Because this was made, an area of villas was developed, and Oiso Station of the Japanese National Railways Tokaido Main Line started a business in 1887, The first Prime minister, Hirobumi Ito lived in Oiso from 1896, and from this influence, many important people in the political and business worlds and people of culture started living in Oiso. This study investigated the occupations of the residents and the location of the villa, and we analyzed the relations between villa residents to clarify the state of the community. In addition, we made clear the action properties of the villa residents in Oiso. Furthermore, I analyze the tendency of the location of the villa to influence every the time of entry to the villa and examine the relations with the characteristics of the scenery of Oiso. As a result of this study, the following were found. The community led by politicians existed in the area of the villas. Five people, Hirobumi Ito, Munemitsu Mutsu, Kinmochi Saionji, Komei Kato, and Aritomo Yamagata were found to have been key people in the community. As a result of having investigated ways to spend time as villa residents in Oiso, they had a conversation about politics or carried out sick medical treatment for the sick. In addition, they made a contribution to the regional community Then, the extent of the area of the village allowed a division of the topography into eight domains. Next, we searched the location of the area of villa in each domain. Therefore, the tendency to particular characteristics in the location of the area of villa was elucidated for each period, E, 1, P, 論文, Article}, pages = {65--75}, title = {神奈川大磯における別荘居住者間の関係性と別荘地の立地特性の変遷}, volume = {65}, year = {2020}, yomi = {オヤマ, ナナミ and アライ, アユミ} }