@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000831, author = {林, 海平 and 楊, 舒淇 and 山田, 宏 and 粟野, 隆 and Lin, Hai-ping and Yang, Suchi and Yamada, Hiroshi and Awano, Takashi}, issue = {2}, month = {Sep}, note = {本論文では,日本統治時代における台湾の日本人住宅・宿舎の庭園の保存・修復の今後に資することを目的に,残存事例が台湾でも数多い台北の日本人住宅・宿舎の庭園について調査した。その結果,以下のことを明らかにした。庭園規模は,建物面積の2~7倍が理想とされ,現地調査では多くの庭園が2倍程度であり,平均では2.2倍であったこと。庭園配置は,台北市内の風向きと住宅への通風が考慮された結果,南北方向,あるいは南西・北東方向に前庭・主庭を配置する傾向があったこと。庭園構成は,芝生が太陽の輻射熱を緩和し,植栽は建物の壁体への直射日光を緩和する役割を担い,ベランダ,テラス,パーゴラが防暑のための特徴的な施設であったこと。外囲いは住宅敷地内の通風を考慮して生垣が推奨されたこと。床下通風の観点から床は高床に設定され,沓脱には自然石ではなく人造石が多用されたこと。, As Japanese gardens in Taiwan will be restored in the future, the purpose of this study is to analyze the Japanese residential gardens which were constructed in Taihoku during the Japanese colonial period. The results of document analysis and field surveys led to this paper’s new findings, and are as follows : The area of the ideal garden was two to seven times that of the main house. Most of the gardens were twice the area of the main house with an average of 2.2 times the area of the house. The positioning of the gardens tended to be located in a northerly and southerly direction or a southwest and the northeast direction. The wind direction in Taihoku city seems to have been considered and connected with the ventilation to the house. Four points were discussed in the components of the gardens. The first is, that the lawn could absorb the radiant heat of the sun. The second is that plants could play an important role in soothing the direct sunlight to the walls of the main house. The third is that the main facilities for protection against the sun were verandas, terraces and pergolas. The fourth is, that not natural stone but artificial stone was used as the shoe-removing stone area, because the floor of house was set at a high level for the ventilation. Therefore, the shoe-removing stone needed to be customized and was usually made of concrete., E, 2, P, 論文, Article}, pages = {47--56}, title = {日本統治時代(1895~1945)の台北に造営された日本人住宅・宿舎にみる庭園の配置と構成}, volume = {65}, year = {2020}, yomi = {リン, ハイピン and ヤン, スチ and ヤマダ, ヒロシ and アワノ, タカシ} }