@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000790, author = {北市, 裕樹 and 荒井, 歩 and Kitaichi, Hiroki and Arai, Ayumi}, issue = {2}, month = {Sep}, note = {本研究は谷津が形成する固有の地形を基盤に,土地の文脈の中で形成された農耕生活に基づく旧純農村集落に着目した。首都圏近郊に位置し,現在までニュータウン開発が継続的に進みつつも旧純農村集落が良好に残存している茨城県守谷市を研究対象地とした。まず守谷全域の地形的特徴を解明した上で,近代以前に形成された旧純農村集落の立地特性を明らかにした。次に旧純農村集落の構成要素の特徴を地形との関係から分析し,その特性把握を行った。さらに集落の集積としての地域の特性を分析し,地域構造を明らかにすることを目的とした。調査の結果,明治期から現在まで残存する旧純農村集落は41件抽出された。守谷全域において居住地は低地に面する台地上に立地する傾向が明らかとなった。次に集落域と立地地形および水系における位置関係を分析したところ,集落域,各集落域を包括する谷津域,各谷津域の集水域である水系域の階層状になっていた。集落域では各谷津形態に基づく立地地形区分が旧純農村集落の立地状況を特徴づけていた。旧純農村集落における構成要素の特性に関しては,集落域の範囲規定の状態により斜面林等の状況が異なっていた。また主幹道の配置は居住地との立地関係だけからではなく,集落間をつなぐ道路位置とも関係していた。, Moriya city is located in the southwestern end of Ibaraki. At the present time the communities of former villages which have traditional configuration are left to the area around the city. The topography of Moriya has a particular characteristic. There are marshes in the rare topography called “Yatsu”, which are special features existing in South Ibaraki and North Chiba. Yatsu had been made by sea erosion, not river. Further Moriya has topographical structure among three rivers, Tone river, Kinu river and Kokai river; it is circled island-like topography. This study tried to make clear the landscape character of former villages’ location and configuration. We also discussed what kind of factors affect the landscape character. 41 colonies in Moriya were selected as the site of the study. The results of the study show that the characteristics are seen in the configurations between landscape’ elements, habitable area, shrine area, cultivation area, and green area. In particular, the topography has a great influence on the location of these components. We clarified the characteristics of the regional structure, which separates areas in a settlement. The regional structure is three levels of hierarchical structure. The bottom layers are the range of the villages, which in this sense means rural communities. The second layers are the range of Yatsu. They are next to Yatsu fields, and villages cluster around the lowlands. The top layers are the rivers of the catchment areas. Water flows into the river from each Yatsu. The range of Yatsu gathers and constitutes the river of the catchment area. The major characteristics of elements of rural villages are as follows. The range of village area which is decided by the land form has an influence on the state of the slope forest. The location of the main road is connected not only with the layout of residences but also the position of the roads linking the villages., E, 3, P, 論文, Article}, pages = {49--57}, title = {茨城県守谷市における旧純農村集落の地域構造}, volume = {64}, year = {2019}, yomi = {キタイチ, ヒロキ and アライ, アユミ} }