@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000759, author = {髙畑, 健 and 平野, 繁 and 大渕, 純子 and 高橋, 幸水 and 御手洗, 洋蔵 and 松嶋, 賢一 and 篠原, 弘亮 and 小池, 安比古 and 宮田, 正信 and 増田, 宏司 and Takahata, Ken and Hirano, Shigeru and Ohbuchi, Junko and Takahashi, Yukimizu and Mitarai, Yozo and Matsushima, Kenichi and Shinohara, Hirosuke and Koike, Yasuhiko and Miyata, Masanobu and Masuda, Koji}, month = {Mar}, note = {東京農業大学農学部にて開講されている,農業ビジネスデザインの受講学生を対象に,学生が学外農業研修で感じた「良かった点」の特徴を明らかにすることを目的として,自由記述によるアンケートを実施した。データ化した自由記述回答にテキストマイニングを施し,抽出した名詞の出現件数のデータに数量化Ⅲ類解析を施した。その結果,研修を主催する個人農家・企業,自治体,大学,の3属性によって,良かった点の内容が異なる1軸を含む3つの有効軸が算出された。本研究により,研修を受けた学生が現地に対して感じた良かった点は,‘人’および‘農家’の要素によって説明できると考えられた。これらの要素は同時に,農業志向の高い若者が農業研修に対して期待するものとして解釈することができると考えられ,今後,研修先との情報共有,意思疎通および研修内容の改善を通して,研修生と受け入れ先とのマッチングに役立てるなど,日本農業の担い手育成のためのPDCAサイクル化に大いに役立つと考えられた。, A questionnaire based on free description was conducted with the aim of clarifying the features of “positive characteristics of the agricultural training course” that students felt through participating in agricultural training held outside the campus as part of “Studies for agricultural career design”, held at the Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture. The obtained responses were typed up and analyzed by text-mining method and multivariate analysis of the quantification theory type 3 was demonstrated on converted category (1/0) data based on the appearance of extracted nouns in answerers’ responses. As results, 3 axes including 1 axis where the mean value of the score according to the classification of the promoter mediating agricultural training courses significantly differed, were calculated. According to these results, the “positive characteristics of the agricultural training courses” that students felt, were might be summarized as the experience of “person” and “farmer”. It was also thought that these components could be interpreted as what expected of an agricultural experience program by the agriculture-minded young. In conclusion, findings in this study could be utilized as information sharing and communication tools in the training place for improvements in training contents, and would be useful for PDCA cycling, such as helping the match between students and training places, in developing agricultural human resources., E, 3, P, 論文, Article}, pages = {116--123}, title = {東京農業大学学生が学外農業研修に対して期待する要素の統計学的抽出}, year = {2019}, yomi = {タカハタ, ケン and ヒラノ, シゲル and オオブチ, ジュンコ and タカハシ, ユキミズ and ミタライ, ヨウゾウ and マツシマ, ケンイチ and シノハラ, ヒロスケ and コイケ, ヤスヒコ and ミヤタ, マサノブ and マスダ, コウジ} }