@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000588, author = {増田, 宏司 and 田所 理紗 and 土田 あさみ and 内山 秀彦 and Koji, Masuda and Lisa Tadokoro and Asami Tsuchida and Hidehiko Uchiyama}, issue = {3}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {ペット(犬,猫)を亡くした経験を持つ20代前後の飼育経験者に対して自由記述式でアンケートを集め,「もう一度,亡くしたペットに会えるなら,何をしてあげたいか?」について質問した。回答として得られたものをテキストデータ化し,テキストマイニングを行い,文字数,単語数を比較した。また分析により抽出された名詞を基準に,回答をカテゴリーデータ(1/0)に変換後,数量化III類解析を施した。アンケート実施により,犬の飼育経験者141名,猫の飼育経験者55名から有効な回答が得られた。その結果,猫の飼育経験者の回答文は文字数,単語数共に犬の飼育経験者よりも有意に多いことが判明した。さらに,数量化III類解析(n=149)においても,犬と猫の飼育経験者で有意な差が認められ,犬の飼育経験者は懐古的な内容を,猫の飼育経験者は惜別的な内容を記述すると考えられた。また,犬の飼育経験者の文字数,単語数は,飼育していたイヌの大きさによって有意に異なった。, The questionnaire survey asking `What would you want to do for your lost pet if you could see them again?' was conducted with people aged around 20 years who had lost a pet in the past times. The obtained responses were typed up and analyzed by text-mining method and subsequently number of letters and words of owner experience of dog were compared with that of cat. Then, multivariate analysis of the quantification theory type 3 was demonstrated on converted category (1/0) data based on the appearance of extracted nouns in answerers' responses. From 141 (dog) and 55 (cat) valid responses, the analyses revealed that the number of letters and words from owner experience of cat were significantly large compared to that of dog. Furthermore, from the analysis of the quantification theory type 3 (n=149), there was significant difference between owner experience of cat and that of dog. Owners of cats described what they wanted to do for the lost pet with a sense of regret, whereas owners of dogs described with a sense of nostalgia. Additionally in the owner experience of dog, the number of letters and words were significantly different according to the size of the dog., E, 6, KJ00010061319, 論文, Article}, pages = {151--155}, title = {犬と猫の飼育経験者では,亡くしたペットに対して「もう一度会えるなら,してあげたいこと」の内容が異なる}, volume = {60}, year = {}, yomi = {マスダ, コウジ and タドコロ, リサ and ツチダ, アサミ and ウチヤマ, ヒデヒコ} }