@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000586, author = {藤澤, 弘幸 and 馬場 正 and 齊藤 亨介 and 河合 義隆 and 山口 正己 and 庄司 俊彦 and Hiroyuki, Fujisawa and Tadashi Baba and Ryosuke Saito and Yoshitaka Kawai and Masami Yamaguchi and Toshihiko Shouji}, issue = {3}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {ポット植えしたカシス`ラジアント'を,かん水量を制限した乾燥土壌で栽培した。その結果,十分にかん水した場合と比較して果実が小型化し,滴定酸度は上昇し,ビタミンC含量は増加傾向を示した。屈折計示度および抗酸化能(H-ORAC)は変化しなかった。また,カシス`ネービス'を,株の周辺に光反射シートを敷設して栽培した。この際,かん水は十分量を与えた。その結果,無処理の場合と比較して屈折計示度および滴定酸度は変化しなかったが,ビタミンC含量が増加し,抗酸化能は上昇傾向を示した。以上のことから,土壌乾燥処理や光反射シートの利用によってカシス果実の栄養および機能性を向上させ得ることが示された。, Potted plants of the blackcurrant cultivar `Radiant' were subjected to soil drying with limited irrigation. The treatment decreased fruit size, increased titratable acidity, and tended to increase vitamin C content in fruits, as compared with sufficiently irrigated plants. There was no difference in soluble solid content and antioxidant capacity (evaluated using the hydrophilic-oxygen radical absorbance capacity (H-ORAC) method) between the treated and control plants. Potted plants of the blackcurrant cultivar `Nevis' were subjected to mulching culture by using a light-reflecting sheet. In this experiment, both treated and control plants were sufficiently watered. The soluble solid content and titratable acidity of the treated fruits were similar to those of the control fruits, while vitamin C content of the treated fruits was higher and antioxidant capacity of the treated fruits tended to increase as compared with the control fruits. These results indicate that soil drying and a light-reflecting sheet are capable of increasing the nutritional quality and functional components of blackcurrant fruits., E, 4, KJ00010061299, 論文, Article}, pages = {138--143}, title = {土壌乾燥処理および光反射シートの敷設がカシス(Ribes nigrum L.)の果実品質,ビタミンC含量および抗酸化能に及ぼす影響}, volume = {60}, year = {}, yomi = {フジサワ, ヒロユキ and ババ, タダシ and サイトウ, リョウスケ and カワイ, ヨシタカ and ヤマグチ, マサミ and ショウジ, トシヒコ} }