@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000561, author = {大岩, 幸太 and 宮崎 雪乃 and 岩田 萌実 and 小川 博 and 安藤 元一 and Kota, Oiwa and Yukino Miyazaki and Memi Iwata and Hirosi Ogawa and Motokazu Ando}, issue = {3}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {厚木市の中山間地域と平地農業地域における獣害に対する住民感情を2009-2010年にアンケート調査し,1,462件の回答を得た。販売農家は中山間地域で9割以上,平地農業地域で5割が獣害被害を受けていた。いずれの地域でも農作業への関わりの高い住民は野生動物に強い「怒り」を感じるのに対し,農作業への関わりが低くなると「かわいい,うれしい」と感じる傾向が見られた。捕獲駆除については,中山間地域では農作業に関わりの高い住民の賛成率が高まる傾向があったのに対し,平地農業地域では逆の傾向がみられた。性別で見ると,男性の捕獲駆除賛成率が中山間地において高かったのに対し,女性における地域差は少なかった。行政への要望として,中山間地域では情報提供や資金・物品提供など農地を守るために直接役立つ対策への要望が強かったが多いのに対し,駆除の促進への要望順位は低かった。しかし,アンケートから判明した住民の求める要望と,行政が行っている実際の獣害対策を比較すると,住民の要望が反映されているのは駆除対策だけであった。, To understand sentiments of residents against wildlife damage, a questionnaire survey was conducted in 2009-2010 at hilly areas and flat agricultural areas in Atsugi, Japan. Answers (1,462) indicated that more than 90% of full-time farmers at hilly areas and 50% of those at flat areas were suffering from wildlife damage. Full-time farmers tended to feel `anger' to wildlife, while non-farmers tended to show `affection' to them. At hilly areas, support for wildlife population control measures became higher, according to the increase of residents' dependence on agriculture. At flat agricultural areas, however, the reverse tendency was seen. At hilly areas, males were more supportive of population control than females. For females, their attitudes to population control were not different according to area. Priority requests of residents to administration were supply of information, funds and goods that were necessary to protect their own cultivated fields. Wildlife population control was not a priority request. There were discrepancies between requests of residents and actual administrative wildlife measures, as some measures were not well known to residents., E, 5, KJ00009571279, 論文, Article}, pages = {200--208}, title = {神奈川県厚木市の居住地域による獣害に対する住民感情}, volume = {59}, year = {}, yomi = {オオイワ, コウタ and ミヤザキ, ユキノ and イワタ, メミ and オガワ, ヒロシ and アンドウ, モトカズ} }