@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000552, author = {金, 玲花 and 中野 亜里沙 and 安藤 元一 and Ryonghwa, Kim and Arisa Nakano and Motokazu Ando}, issue = {2}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {自由行動ネコが野生鳥獣にどのような捕食圧を与えているか,神奈川県厚木市で調査した。神奈川県自然環境保全センターの傷病鳥獣保護記録を調べたところ,保護鳥獣の10%はネコに襲われたものであり,キジバトやスズメなど地上採餌性の種,あるいはヒヨドリなどの都市鳥が多かった。育雛期である5-7月には鳥類の巣内ヒナが半数以上を占め,ネコの襲いやすい位置に営巣するツバメなどが多かった。同市の住宅地帯および農村地帯におけるアンケート調査では,ネコは13%の世帯で飼育されていた。このうち屋外を自由行動できる飼いネコの比率は,住宅地で29%,農村で59%であり,生息密度に換算すると住宅地で2.2頭/ha,農村で0.35頭/haと推定された。こうしたネコが家に持ち帰る獲物の種類は,住宅地では小鳥と昆虫が多く,農村ではネズミ,小鳥や昆虫など多様であった。持ち帰った獲物の半分以上は食されなかった。これらのネコが年間60頭程度の鳥獣を捕らえると仮定すると,1年に捕食される鳥獣はそれぞれ132頭/ha,21頭/haと推定された。飼いネコによる生態系への影響を避けるためには,室内飼いが望まれる。, Predation frequencies of free-ranging house cats (Felis catus) on wild birds and animals were investigated at Atsugi, Japan. Wildlife rescue records at the Kanagawa Prefectural Natural Environments Conservation Center indicated that 10 % of them were due to the attack of cats. Victims were mostly common ground-feeding birds such as Streptperia orientalis, Passer montanus and Hypsipetes amaurotis. During May-August attacks mainly took place on chicks. Chicks of P. montanus were less caught compared to Hirundo rustica as a result of their safer nest site selection. A questionnaire survey to local residents indicated that 13 % of family units kept cats, out of which 29 % were free-ranging at a residential area, and 59 % at a rural area. Population density of free-ranging cats at the former was estimated 2.2 / ha at the former, and 0.35 at the latter. Reflecting opportunistic prey preference for cats, prey items that cats brought back home were mostly urban birds and insects in a residential area, while rodents were most frequent and prey diversity was wider in a rural area. More than half of prey items brought home were not eaten by the cats. Based on a rough assumption that a free-ranging cat hunted 60 preys a year, it was estimated that a cat hunted 132 preys / ha in a residential area, and 21 in a rural area. To reduce such ecological impacts, it is hoped that house cats can be kept indoors., JPN, 5, KJ00009434260, 論文, Article}, pages = {137--144}, title = {神奈川県厚木市における自由行動ネコ(Felis catus)の野生鳥獣に対する捕食圧}, volume = {59}, year = {}, yomi = {キン, リョンファ and ナカノ, アリサ and アンドウ, モトカズ} }