@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000540, author = {横濱, 道成 and Michinari, Yokohama}, issue = {1}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {エミューは,粗放飼育に耐え,その生産物(脂肪,肉)には機能的特性があることから,オホーツク地域の新規産業動物として着目されている。しかし,エミューの生産物を効率良く回収する情報が少ないことから,その生産物の出荷適期を明らかにすることを目的に統計学的に解析した。4~5歳齢(雌雄)エミューの平均体重は約40kgであったが,脂肪重量は雄(9.42±0.40kg)の方が雌(7.34±0.64kg)に比べ有意に高かった(p<0.01)。体重に対する脂肪比率では,雄が28.49%で,雌が24.25%で,雌雄間に有意差が認められた(p<0.01)。脂肪量は体重増加に伴い雌雄ともに増加した。体重(♂)が30~35kg区の脂肪重量は5.99±0.35kgで,50~55kg区では15.33±0.85kgで有意差が認められた(p<0.01)。さらに,体重40kg未満と40kg以上の間で比べた場合には,雌雄の脂肪重量と,雄のモモ肉重量にそれぞれ有意差が認められた(p<0.01)。また,体重と脂肪重量間には強い正の相関(r=0.785)が認められた。出荷時期の生産物量では,7月~12月の下半期の方が,体重と脂肪量が多くなる傾向にあったが,モモ肉は雌雄ともに大きな差異は認められなかった。雄の脂肪重量に関して,下半期が9.94±0.47kgで,上半期が7.75±0.64kgで,下半期が有意に高い値であった(p<0.01)。, The emu is attracting attention as a novel livestock product in the Okhotsk area because it can be bred by extensive farming and the fat and meat produced from the bird have functional characteristics. However, as information on how to efficiently collect emu products is very limited, statistical analyses were conducted to examine the appropriate period for shipping such products. The mean body weight of four and five year old emus was 40kg. The body fat weight of males (9.42±0.40 kg) was significantly larger than that of female emus (7.34±0.64kg) (p<0.01). The proportion of the fat expressed as a percentage of the body weight of male and female emus was 28.49 and 24.25%, respectively ; there was a significant difference between the two genders (p<0.01). The amount of fat of both male and female emus increased as their body weights increased. The weight of fat of male emus that weighed between 30 and 35kg was 5.99±0.35kg, and 15.33±0.85kg for the 50 to 55kg group, a significant difference was noted (p<0.01). There were also significant differences in the weights of fat of male and female emus and thigh meat of males between less than 40kg and 40kg or more groups (p<0.01). There was a strong correlation between the body and fat weights (r=0.785). Regarding the weights of products according to the period of shipment, the body and fat weights of emus shipped between July and December (the second half period) were larger, whereas there was no significant difference in the weights of thigh meat of both male and female emus depending on the shipping period. The fat weight of male emus shipped in the first and second periods were 7.75±0.64 and 9.94±0.47kg, respectively ; the weight of fat in the second period was significantly larger (p<0.01)., E, 5, KJ00009312359, 論文, Article}, pages = {39--43}, title = {エミューの生産物(脂肪,肉)に関する統計学的解析}, volume = {59}, year = {}, yomi = {ヨコハマ, ミチナリ} }