@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000508, author = {遠藤, 由美 and 竹内 正彦 and 安藤 元一 and 安江 健 and Endo, Yumi and Takeuchi Masahiko and Ando Motokazu and Yasue Takeshi}, issue = {1}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {ハクビシン Paguma larvata によるオウトウ(果実をサクランボと言う)への被害痕跡を現認記載した。山形県高畠町の食害発生園において被害翌日に現地調査を行ったところ,被害果直下の施設パイプ上に新しいハクビシンの足跡が発見された。さらに,その直下と園内の地面でサクランボの種子と果皮を大量に含む中型哺乳類の新しいフンが発見され,それらもハクビシンの進入痕跡であると考えられた。ハクビシンによる被害痕跡の特徴は,果梗(サクランボの軸)が枝上に残り実だけが消失していたという食害痕と,食害痕は同じ枝上に集中して発生していたこと,さらに,食害痕周囲の枝葉は折れたり破れたりしていなかったことであった。足跡と食害痕に関する本獣害情報の提供により,農家はオウトウ雨よけ施設内で発生するハクビシン食害を早期段階で認知でき,対策に向けて正しい判断を選択できる。, The signs of damage by the masked palm civet, Paguma larvata, were inspected at cherry orchards in Takahata town, Yamagata-prefecture, northeastern Japan. Masked palm civets were detected in the orchards and surrounding areas through direct observation by a farmer, and through footprints, feces, and a hollow in the bundles of straw. This species was suspected to be the culprit after surveying the damage the next day; this was determined by the footprints on the steel pipe of the facility just below the damaged fruits. The characteristics of the damage were identified along with the condition that only cherries disappeared but peduncles remained on the damaged branches. The characteristics are as follows : 1) damaged fruits were aggregated, and 2) no branches and leaves were snapped off. Using this information, farmers can recognize wildlife damage and take correct decisions in its early stages., E, 6, KJ00008528019, 短報, Note}, pages = {36--41}, title = {ハクビシン Paguma larvata によるオウトウへの被害痕跡の特徴}, volume = {58}, year = {}, yomi = {エンドウ, ユミ and タケウチ, マサヒコ and アンドウ, モトカズ and ヤスエ, タケシ} }