@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000457, author = {岡, 孝夫 and 高橋 幸水 and 野村 こう and 花田 博文 and 天野 卓 and 秋篠宮 文仁 and Takao, OKA and Yukimizu TAKAHASHI and Koh NOMURA and Hirofumi HANADA and Takashi AMANO and AKISHINONOMI YA Fumihito}, issue = {2}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {日本鶏実用品種3集団(名古屋種,熊本種,天草大王)と欧米商用品種5集団(白色レグホン2集団,ブロイラー[チャンキー],横斑プリマスロック,ロードアイランドレッド)のマイクロサテライトDNA多型情報から各品種内の遺伝的多様性および品種間の類縁関係を明らかにすることを目的とした。名古屋種,熊本種,天草大王を比較すると,天草大王は多様性が高い一方,有意な近親交配が認められた。これは天草大王の復元には3つの品種が用いられ,選抜の過程で近親交配が生じたためと考えられた。名古屋種や熊本種は天草大王と比べて少羽数から回復してからの時間が長く,大規模飼育で維持されているために,近親交配は認められなかったものと考えられた。欧米商用品種は用途や飼育規模,系統により遺伝的多様性や近親交配の程度に差がみられた。白色レグホンを除く6品種の成立にコーチンが関与しているが,それらの品種はDA系統樹において明確なクラスターを形成しなかった 。このことから日本鶏実用品種および欧米商用品種は,その遺伝的背景により大きく2群に分かれ,さらに品種成立後の選抜や維持の過程で遺伝的分化が生じたものと考えられた。, Microsatellite DNA polymorphisms of three populations of Japanese meat- type chicken breed (Nagoya, Kumamoto, and Amakusa-Daiou) and five populations of foreign commercial breeds (two populations of White Leghorn, broiler [Chunky], Barred Plymouth Rock, and Rhode Island Red) were analyzed to determine their genetic diversity within populations and relationships among populations. Although high genetic diversity was observed in Amakusa-Daiou, significant inbreeding (positive FIS value) was also observed. The current breed of Amakusa- Daiou was reconstructed from three breeds. Therefore, it is considered that their high genetic diversity was derived from those breeds. However, inbreeding also occurred during the process of reconstruction of Amakusa-Daiou. In contrast, inbreeding was not detected in Nagoya and Kumamoto, which have been maintained for a long time as a large-size population after reconstruction. Foreign commercial breeds showed different degrees of genetic diversity and inbreeding according to their purpose (ex. egg, meat and dual purpose), population size and strain. However, Cochin (traditional meat-type breed originally from China) contributed to most of the current meat-type chicken breeds including Japanese and foreign breeds (six breeds except White Leghorn analyzed in this study). These breeds were not included in the same cluster in phylogenetic tree analysis. The topology of this phylogenetic tree demonstrated two major genetic backgrounds and high genetic differentiation with artificial selection and process of maintaining populations subsequent to construction and reconstruction of breeds., E, 11, KJ00007242249, 短報, Note}, pages = {199--202}, title = {マイクロサテライトDNA多型情報にもとづく日本鶏実用品種および欧米商用品種の遺伝的多様性と集団構造}, volume = {56}, year = {}, yomi = {オカ, タカオ and タカハシ, ユキミズ and ノムラ, コウ and ハナダ, ヒロフミ and アマノ, タカシ and アキシノミヤ, フミヒト} }