@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000425, author = {藤本, 竜輔 and 加藤 達也 and 安藤 元一 and 小川 博 and FUJIMOTO, Ryusuke and KATO Tatsuya and ANDO Motokazu and OGAWA Hiroshi}, issue = {3}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {飼育下で生存させることが困難であったカワネズミChimarrogale platycephalaの飼育に必要な条件を明らかにするため,1)輸送方法,2)飼育装置,3)水浴びの必要性,4)給餌内容について検討した。輸送方法については,十分に給水するとともに隠れ場として巣箱を与えると衰弱が抑えられた。飼育装置については,飼育個体の脱出,こぼれた水による環境悪化,清掃・給餌中にストレスを与えてしまう問題があった。しかし,蓋をバックルで固定し,水漏れが全体に広がらないように2台つなげた連結ケージにすることで改善できた。本種は水浴びを好んだが,半年程度の飼育では必要なかった。給餌内容については,ミルワーム,水生昆虫,魚類に対して高い嗜好性がみられたが,これらの餌では体重を維持できなかった。他方,スンクス用飼料を与えた時には嗜好性が低いものの,体重が安定して半年以上飼育できた。以上のことから,本種の飼育には輸送中に十分な水と隠れ場を与えること,水浴びさせないこと,清掃・給餌中にストレスを与えないこと,および水分含量の少ない餌を与えることが重要であると考えられた。, With aim of developing a long-term rearing method for the Japanese water shrew Chimarrogale platycephala, we investigated the 1) transport techniques, 2) appropopriate design of rearing cage, 3) necessity of bathing and 4) food items. Debilitation of the animal during transport was avoided by giving enough water and nest box. Escape of the animal from the cage was prevented by firmly closing the lid cover. Although the animal preferred bathing in a water pool, bathing was not an indispensable component of its life as it successfully survived in the cage for more than half a year without bathing. The inside of the rearing cage was often soaked by spilled water, but this problem was settled by using two connected cages. Two connected cages were effective to avoid disturbance during cage cleaning and food exchange. The favorite food items of the animal were mealworm, larvae of aquatic insects, and fish. Given those food items only, however, the animal gradually lost its original body weight. In contrast, the animal maintained a stable body weight for more than half a year when dry suncus-pellets were given, although it was not a favorite food item. From these findings, we concluded that the animals could be protected from stress and kept for more than half a year by ensuring the following four essential conditions : 1) giving enough water and shelter during transport, 2) using cage witch avoids water spillage, 3) prevent the animal from bathing, and 4) feeding substantial food items., E, 2, KJ00006637540, 論文, Article}, pages = {219--226}, title = {カワネズミChimarrogale platycephalaの飼育技術開発}, volume = {55}, year = {}, yomi = {フジモト, リュウスケ and カトウ, タツヤ and アンドウ, モトカズ and オガワヒロシ} }