@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000424, author = {岡, 孝夫 and 高橋 幸水 and 野村 こう and 花田 博文 and 天野 卓 and 秋篠宮 文仁 and OKA, Takao and TAKAHASHI Yukimizu and NOMURA Koh and HANADA Hirofumi and AMANO Takashi and Fumihito AKISHINONOMIYA}, issue = {3}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {軍鶏は多くの日本鶏品種の作出に広く用いられてきたが,それら軍鶏およびその近縁品種間の遺伝的類縁関係や品種内に生じた遺伝的差異については現在でも不明な点が多い。そこで本研究はマイクロサテライトDNA多型情報を用いて軍鶏およびその近縁品種につき分析を行なった。供試鶏として6品種9集団122羽を用い,マイクロサテライト28座位の分析を行なった。その結果,交雑により作出された品種であっても,選抜や品種を維持する過程で遺伝的多様性が低下したと考えられる品種も認められた。特に声良は12座位で多型が認められず,もっとも低い遺伝的多様性を示した。品種間の遺伝的類縁関係は書誌学的,形態学的研究にもとづく説をおおむね支持するものであった。品種間の遺伝的分化の程度は高かった一方,同一品種の別地域集団は系統樹においてクラスターを形成した。軍鶏,薩摩鶏,矮鶏において,品種内に生じた遺伝的差異の程度は異なるものであった。軍鶏は地域集団間で明確な遺伝的差異が認められた一方,矮鶏は地域集団間や内種間で明確な差異は認められなかった。薩摩鶏は地域集団間で差異が認められ,さらに内種によっても遺伝的差異が生じていた。本研究結果より,軍鶏およびその近縁品種間の遺伝的類縁関係は従来説をおおむね支持する一方,品種内に生じる遺伝的差異は品種の維持形態やそれを取り巻く人側の要因により,程度や分集団の単位が異なることが明らかとなった。, Shamo is a breed of Japanese native chicken that has been used to establish various modern Japanese native breeds. However, genetic relationships among the breeds derived from the Shamo and their genetic population structure is unclear. In this study, microsatellite DNA polymorphisms were used to analyze the genetic relationship among Shamo and its related breeds. A total of 122 individuals of six breeds (nine populations), Shamo, Ko-Shamo, Hinai-dori, Koeyoshi, Satsuma-dori, and Chabo, were used for the analyses of the 28 loci recommended by ISAG/FAO. In the results, low genetic diversity was observed even in the breeds established by crossbreeding, because of artificial selection and maintenance of these breeds. In particular, the Koeyoshi, which had 12 monomorphic loci, demonstrated the lowest diversity amongst the six breeds. Genetic relationships of these populations were supported by the established theories of their genetic histories. In the phylogenetic tree analysis, local populations of the same breeds were located in the same cluster. However, the star-like topology of the DA tree showed a high and significant genetic differentiation in each population with the exception of two local populations of the Chabo. The degree of genetic differentiation was estimated from local populations of Shamo, Satsuma-dori, and Chabo. A high and significant genetic differentiation was observed in two local populations of the Shamo. In addition, in the Chabo, no genetic differentiation was observed, not only between local populations but also amongst plumage variations. In the Satsuma-dori, differentiations were observed among local populations and plumage variation. In conclusion, the results of this study showed that the degree of genetic differentiation and the unit of population segmentation were influenced by the manner in which the breeds are managed and human factors., E, 1, KJ00006637539, 論文, Article}, pages = {211--218}, title = {マイクロサテライトDNA多型情報にもとづく日本鶏,特に軍鶏およびその近縁品種の遺伝的多様性と集団構造}, volume = {55}, year = {}, yomi = {オカ, タカオ and タカハシ, ヨシミズ and ノムラ, コウ and ハナダ, ヒロフミ and アマノ, タクシ and アキシノノミヤ, フミヒト} }