@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000412, author = {竹内, 将俊 and 小島 宏海 and 渡辺 昌也 and TAKEUCHI, Masatoshi and KOJIMA Hiromi and WATANABE Masaya}, issue = {2}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {東京農業大学世田谷キャンパスにおいて鳥類のラインセンサスとポイントセンサスを実施し,同様の調査を行った馬事公苑と種構成や個体数を比較した。1年と3カ月にわたる両調査地の調査で,計24科42種が確認された。2つの調査地間で,2種類のセンサス法による月を単位とした種数,個体数,Shannon-Wienerの多様度指数を比較した結果,世田谷キャンパスに比べ馬事公苑で種数と個体数が多く,多様度指数が高い傾向が認められた。この理由として,馬事公苑は外周を階層構造の発達した樹林が取り囲むなど緑地の占める面積割合が高く,まとまった落葉広葉樹林や水辺,芝地など多様な環境が含まれることが影響していると考えられた。また,世田谷キャンパス全体を25m×25mの区画に区切り,シジュウカラ,メジロ,コゲラなど7種の観察総数と緑被率との関系を解析した結果,すべての種で緑被率と観察総数との間に正の相関が認められた。キャンパス内の鳥類の多様性を高めるためには,落葉層を含む下層植生の発達したまとまった樹林を設けることが有効であると考えられる。, The bird census was studied for approximately 1 year starting in January 2008 at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Baji-Koen located in urban Tokyo. To assess the number of species and individuals, a line-census survey and fixed-point survey were conducted weekly during the study period. The census data confirmed 42 species and the avifauna consisted of resident birds including tree sparrows, bulbuls, white-eyes, great tits that adapted to the urban environment, and a small number of migrating birds. The avian species were significantly more diverse at Baji-Koen than at the university campus according to the two census surveys. In addition, we assessed the influence of the extent of green cover on the abundance of birds at the campus and found a correlation between the percentage of green cover and the abundance of 7 bird species. The results suggest that habitat characteristics such as the expanse of green cover influence bird diversity and that greater vegetative coverage is required to achieve greater diversity in campus avifauna., E, 4, KJ00006504839, 論文, Article}, pages = {115--122}, title = {東京農業大学世田谷キャンパスの鳥類相}, volume = {55}, year = {}, yomi = {タケウチ, マサトシ and コジマ, ヒロミ and ワタナベ, マサヤ} }