@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000387, author = {小泉, 武夫 and Koizumi, Takeo}, issue = {4}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {今日,わが国に於いて焼酎は一大発展を遂げ,今やその消費量や生産量は日本酒を大きく引き離している。ところがこの焼酎は,一体どこから渡来してきたのかは明らかになっていない。大陸説,中国説,南方南洋説などさまざま論じられているが,今から400年以上も前のことであるので正しい検証はされていない。つまり日本の焼酎の歴史の原点部は今もって明らかにされていないのである。そこで筆者は中国,そして東南アジアの諸国を20年近く調査してきて,そのルーツが中国雲南省に在り,それがメコン川を通して南方に渡り,シャム(今のタイ国)から琉球を経て薩摩に来たことを,多くの文献や,現地での証拠写真などから検証し,証明した。そしてその焼酎が日本に入ってきてから,今度はこの国独自の知恵や発想によってさらに技術的発展を遂げ今日に至ったことを論じる。, The traditional Japanese spirit, known as 'Sho-chu' is one of the popular alcoholic beverages in Japan. The consumption and production of 'Sho-chu' has been used more than that of Sake as Japanese rice wine. However, it is unclear how 'Sho-chu' was introduced to Japan. Until now, scholars have proposed many theories on the introduction of this spirit to Japan whether it be from the Eurasian Continent, China or the South Sea islands. The theories of what occurred 400 years ago have not been verified with certainty. Namely, the historical origin of Sho-chu in Japan has not yet been identified.Therefore, the author who has been researching food culture in China and many counties in Asia for more than 20 years, has verified and proven the origins of Sho-chu through literature and photographs. It is found that the origin of Shou-chu as a traditional spirits was in Yunnan, China and the techniques were introduced to south Asia from Yunnan through the Mekong River and that Satsuma (Kagoshima) was introduced in Japan via Ryukyu (Okinawa) from Siam (Thailand) in south Asia. It is reported in this paper that Sho-chu further developed through Japanese wisdom and technological methods., E, 1, KJ00006055379, 綜説, Review}, pages = {219--229}, title = {焼酎の伝播の検証と,その後に於ける焼酎の技術的発展}, volume = {54}, year = {}, yomi = {コイズミ, タケオ} }