@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000325, author = {寺本, 明子 and TERAMOTO, Akiko}, issue = {2}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {E.M. フォースター(E.M. FORSTER 1879-1970)の代表作『インドへの道』(A Passage to India, 1924)は,彼が若い頃のインド滞在経験を踏まえて書かれた作品である。それはインドの自然環境(気候や風土),20世紀初頭のインド駐在英国人の生活実態,更に,彼が不思議な魅惑を覚えたヒンズー教の思想を背景に,「東洋人と西洋人の共存は可能であるのか」という深刻な課題に約10年の歳月を費やして取り組み完成したものである。作品は3部構成で,それぞれのタイトルが`Mosque'`Caves'`Temple'である。弁証法の手法によって,まず,西洋人から見たインドの混沌とした姿-「定立」(thesis)を示し,そこに西洋的論理や秩序-「反定立」(antithesis)を持ち込み,両者が激しく衝突する様を提示する。そして,総ては長年にわたって培われたインドの叡智(神秘的なヒンズー教の思想)によって統合される-「綜合」(synthesis)。言い換えれば,ヒンズー教の教義が東洋的要素と西洋的要素の両者を包み込む。ところが,フォースターは,総てを包み込むヒンズーの教えを観念的に理解できても,現実的には受け入れ難く,深い虚無感に陥ってしまう。それ故,作品の最後のところでプロットの乱れが見られ,具体的な人間関係の打開や,明るい展望が示されていない。そしてこれ以降,小説が書けなくなった。この様に,作品は究極的に虚無感をはらんではいるが,それにも関わらず,実際のところ,それが為に,東洋人も西洋人も人間として相互に理解し,共存に努めなくてはならないとする彼のヒューマニズムが姿を見せて作品が終わると言える。この論文では,インドの混沌を「時間」「空間」「音」から分析し,西洋的論理との衝突を経て,東洋と西洋の融合がなされる過程を,「水」「空」「風」というシンボルを中心に読み解く。, A Passage to India, one of E.M. FORSTER's masterpieces, reflects what he experienced in India when he was young. Not merely the natural environments in India and the Anglo-Indians' daily lives in the early 20th century but also the inscrutable Hindu Teachings which fascinated FORSTER deeply are woven into the work. The mutual association between Aziz, a Moslem doctor, and Fielding, an English Principal of Government College, is foregrounded, while the problem, 'Is it impossible for the Indians to make friends with the English?,' underlies the story. The novel consists of three parts : 'Mosque,' 'Caves' and 'Temple.' Firstly, the Asian Hotchpotch (irrationalism) in India is shown before the Anglo-Indians. The latter work to introduce the Western way of thinking (rationalism) under the British rule. It is natural for such a structure to cause friction between the Oriental way of thinking (thesis) and the Western way of thinking (antithesis). These conflicting forces are integrated by use of Hindu mysticism : oneness (synthesis). In other words, it may well be said that both the Oriental and the Occidental elements are embraced by Hindu Teachings. FORSTER concludes that human understanding can be reached by some human wisdom based upon natural environments. Though he achieves a theoretical synthesis, he does not end the novel with an optimistic conclusion : the friendship between Aziz and Fielding. FORSTER as an Englishman cannot help feeling that Hinduism is beyond his comprehension. And then he confronts a kind of nihilism, or a skeptical view of the world, which leads him to stop writing any novels ever afterwards. But in spite of all this, indeed, because of it all, he thinks that it is necessary for us human beings to seek for further mutual understanding between ourselves. What attracts FORSTER most is a universal issue of mutual understanding, developing from the reconciliation between East and West. In this paper, I begin with analyzing the Indian hotchpotch (muddle) in such elements as 'time,' 'space,' and 'sound.' Then the inevitable confrontation between East and West will be discussed. Lastly the reconciliation between the two forces (cultures) will be scrutinized, referring to such sym bols as 'water,' 'sky' and 'air.', E, 5, KJ00005049279, 論文, Article}, pages = {120--129}, title = {E.M. フォースター : 『インドへの道』 : 融合の模索}, volume = {53}, year = {}, yomi = {テラモト, アキコ} }