@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000310, author = {鈴木, 圭 and 小川 博 and 天野 卓 and 安藤 元一 and Suzuki, Kei and Ogawa Hiroshi and Amano Takashi and Ando Motokazu}, issue = {1}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {ニホンモモンガPteromys momongaの巣箱利用率から本種の環境嗜好性を評価した。丹沢山地に548個の巣箱を設置し樹上性哺乳類全般の利用状況を調べた。巣箱利用率の高まる8月から10月における巣箱内の痕跡から,林相,水場の遠近および標高が本種の巣箱利用度に及ぼす影響を検討した。本種の巣箱痕跡率は広葉樹・モミの天然林において0.4%,スギ・ヒノキ人工林で0%,および天然林と人工林がパッチ状に混在する林で3.9%であった。一般線形モデルによる解析を行ったところ,本種は天然林と人工林の混在する環境を好んで生息し,水場の遠近や標高による影響は見られなかった。他方,山地林に普遍的に生息する樹上性ノネズミであるヒメネズミApodemus argenteusはこれらの環境要素に対して嗜好性を示さなかったことから,上記の嗜好性がニホンモモンガの特徴であることが推察された。, Habitat preference of the small Japanese flying squirrel Pteromys momonga was studied by using 548 nest boxes in the Tanzawa Mountains from March 2005 to January 2006. Investigation of a total of 1,956 boxes revealed that the use ratio of the boxes by the animal was comparable to that of the quite common small Japanese field mouse Apodemus argenteus in Japan. Sign ratios of P. momonga at those boxes were 0.4% at natural forests that were mixed with broad-leaved and fir trees, and 0% at forests dominated by coniferous plantations. The highest sign ratio of 3.9% was recorded at forests where natural forests and coniferous plantations are patchily mixed. General linear model indicated that the forest types, rather than the distances from water places and the elevations of respective sites, were the major factor influencing population density of P. momonga. On the other hand, distribution of A. argenteus was not affected by those factors. Based on the above results, authors proposed forest management policies that were compatible with conservation of small arboreal mammals., E, 3, KJ00004919571, 論文, Articles}, pages = {13--18}, title = {丹沢山地の巣箱利用からみたニホンモモンガPteromys momongaの環境嗜好}, volume = {53}, year = {}, yomi = {スズキ, ケイ and オガワ, ヒロシ and アマノ, タケシ and アンドウ, モトカズ} }