@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000305, author = {梅村, 博昭 and UMEMURA, Hiroaki}, issue = {4}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {サリンジャー『キャッチャー・イン・ザ・ライ』(『ライ麦畑でつかまえて』)の語り手ホールデンの語りにおいては人称代名詞youが多用されている。このyouは特定の「君」への呼びかけには収まりきらない意味の広がりをもち,特に翻訳においてこれをどう処理するかは大きな問題といえる。本論においてはライト=コヴァリョーヴァによるロシア語訳においてこのyouがどのように翻訳されているかを分析する。英語におけるyouが一般化された「ひと」を指すことがあるのと同様に,ロシア語においては,主語を省略し,主に二人称単数の動詞を用いて一般的な事柄をのべる普遍人称文がある。ロシア語訳では,ホールデンの多用するyouが多様に訳し分けられているが,ホールデンが純粋に個人的な体験を一般化し読者と共有しようとするまさにその局面で普遍人称文があらわれることがわかる。日本においては,野崎孝の訳がこのyouを普遍的な「人」を表すものとする立場をとり,極力訳さない自然な訳となっているのに対し,村上春樹訳はこのyouを特定の聞き手と解釈して「君」と訳す。この意図の当否の判断は難しいものの,日本語においても告白体文学で前提とされている潜在的な二人称の受け手を明示的に浮かび上がらせることとなった。, The author of this study wishes to analyse the Russian translation of Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye by Rita Wrigit-Kovareva and, in comparison, examine two Japanese translations of the novel. In Salinger's novel, Holden Caulfield, the hero and the narrator, employs the second person pronoun 'you' so often that for the reader, when s/he is not from Anglophone backgrounds, it is very difficult to determine if Holden is speaking to his companion very intimately or just telling his story to the reader in general. This plethora of 'you' is challenging to a translator as well. Wright-Kovareva translates this 'you' in several ways. Sometimes it is replaced by 'I' or 'we'. Or sometimes bezlichnoe predlozhenie, i.e. a nonpersonal sentence is employed to indicate what Holden observes objectively. However, when Holden tries to generalize his entirely personal experiences, obobshchonno-lichnoe predlozhenie (a sentence of the generalized person) appears. It is a second person singular sentence, very often without a pronoun which designates the subject. In Japan, Takashi NOZAKI, in his well known translation of the novel, also attempts to avoid using a second person pronoun so as to make Holden's narrative natural to the Japanese reading public. On the contrary, Haruki MURAKAMI, in his sensational new translation of this renowned novel, makes Holden talk to one particular listener-reader by using the intimate second person pronoun 'kimi'. Murakami's attempt to elicit who this 'you' is seems to be rather moot since, unlike the English pronoun 'you', 'kimi' does not have the capacity to signify a generalized person. But his experiment to apply his own highly translatable style to Salinger's novel is of great interest because what he tries to do with this translation is to reveal the role of the latent listener-reader which every confession in any language entails., E, 7, KJ00004867529, 論文, Article}, pages = {193--203}, title = {J.D.サリンジャー"The Catcher in the Rye"ロシア語訳におけるyouの処理 : 二種類の日本語訳との対比において}, volume = {52}, year = {}, yomi = {ウメムラ, ヒロアキ} }