@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000272, author = {君島, 利治 and Toshiharu, KIMIJIMA}, issue = {3}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {この拙論は,W.B. イェイツの詩「デルフォイの神託に寄せる知らせ」の卑猥性を提示し,詩人がこの詩を書いた意図を推測しながら,詩人の老いと性の問題について論考したものである。詩人は生殖,これは詩人の生きる力,証だったのかもしれないが,そこへと目を向け,それを永遠に循環させようとする。Iでの登場人物の統一性のない起用,II,IIIに立ち込める卑猥な匂い,一見するとついに大詩人も呆けていやらしい幻でも見ているのかと感じられる。しかし,詩人は至って正気であり,また死を直前に控えた詩人にとってはこのことは大真面目なことであり,避けて通れるものではない。現世か来世か悩みながらも,この詩では詩人は上を見上げるのを止め自分の足元をしっかりと見据えている。詩人は来世に希望を抱きつつも,死して輝くより醜くても生きることをここでは選んでいる。, In this paper, I present obscenity in W.B. Yeats's 'News for the Delphic Oracle', speculate upon the poet's intention in writing this poem, and treat the problem between his old age and sex. The poet makes an issue of procreation, which could be evidence of life to him. At first sight, we readers feel that the poet is senile and seeing dirty phantoms since he uses incoherent characters in I and obscenity in II and III. However, the poet is in full possession of his senses, and wrote this poem in dead earnest. After suffering between the lower world and the other world, the poet stops looking up to the latter and fixes his eyes on the former. In this poem, though he holds his desire to the other world, the poet chooses a "foul" or "intolerable" life instead of a "golden" death., E, 4, KJ00004397813, 論文, Article}, pages = {137--144}, title = {W.B. イェイツ : 「デルフォイの神託に寄せる知らせ」を読む : -その卑猥性を中心に-}, volume = {51}, year = {}, yomi = {キミジマ, トシハル} }