@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000271, author = {三簾, 久夫 and Misui, Hisao}, issue = {3}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {カリブ海地域における農業の担い手は,少数の企業的大規模経営と圧倒的多数の小農に分化している。そして,当該地域の小農の自給的営農から商品生産的営農への展開可能性についての実証的・定量的分析は少ない。本稿では,はじめに,ドミニカ共和国のパルセーラと呼ばれる小農の実態調査結果を素材に,主成分分析などを用いて農家の営農類型区分を行い,流動財依存型,労働依存カボチャ型,労働依存コショウ型,自給型の4類型を抽出した。つぎに,営農類型ごとに粗生産額に対する生産諸要素(耕地面積,総労働時間,物財費)の寄与の程度,地目構成,作物・家畜構成,労働力構成,労働手段保有状況などを分析した。これらの検討から,全体としては自給的性格が強く,生産諸要素の機能を表示する投入産出関係が不明確な,いわば同質の営農類型のようにみえるパルセーラのなかにも,商品作物の導入を図り,積極的に経営改善を目指す農家がエンブリオ(萌芽)的存在ではあるが確認できた。これら商業的農業に向けたエンブリオの育成がこれからの課題となる。, Agriculture in the Dominican Republic consists of a large number of small farm households called "parcela" and a few big, corporate farms called "hacienda". The purpose of this study is to determine the shifting probability from subsistence farming to commercial farming based on the survey data of ninety-six "parcelas" in rural of shifting areas near Santo Domingo. The results of this study are summarized as follows ; 1. The study found no correlation between input and output for the reason that "parcelas" are subsistence farm households. The standard partial regression coefficient of land, PMWU (Productive Man Work Unit) and its cost are respectively 0.1222 ( t value : 0.9548), 0.5316(ditto, 2.5318) and 0.0223 (ditto, 07325). 2. Ninety-six "parcelas" are classified into four groups according to the score of the first principal component and the second principal component. 1) First group includes twenty-one "parcelas", named the circulating goods type. Although coefficient of determination is low, the standard partial regression coefficient of cost shows that a significant level is 1%. 2) Second group includes thirty-two "parcelas", named high-labor cultivation of pumpkin. Although coefficient of determination is low, the standard partial regression coefficient of PMWU shows that a significant level is 5%. 3) Third group includes twenty-three parcelas", named high-labor cultivation of pepper. Although coefficient of determination is low, the standard parcial regression coefficient of PMWU shows that a significant level is 5%. 4) Forth group includes nineteen "parcelas" named self-sufficiency type. Coefficient of determination is 0. This study shows that the "parcelas" of the Dominican Republic have four types of subsistence farm households. Some "parcelas" practice effective agricultural techniques and those "parcelas" are in the process of converting to commercial family farms., E, 3, KJ00004397812, 論文, Article}, pages = {129--136}, title = {ドミニカ共和国における小農経営の営農類型}, volume = {51}, year = {}, yomi = {ミスミ, ヒサオ} }