@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000270, author = {金, 永河 and 金子 忠一 and 蓑茂 寿太郎 and Kim, Yeongha and Kaneko Tadakazu and Minomo Toshitaro}, issue = {3}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {本研究は,高層住宅化が急速に進み斜面都市として知られる釜山市を対象に,集合住宅の価値の創出に影響する公園緑地の経済的評価性を究明するものである。斜面地に近接して立地した高層集合住宅の居住者に斜面緑地に対する客観的な価値評価を得るためロジットモデルの仮想評価法(CVM)を用いた分析をすることによって,斜面緑地の価値評価に及ぼす要因を究明した。その結果,斜面緑地に近接している居住者より,そうではない居住者の方が支払意志の評価額が高い傾向にあった。また,住戸の南方向に斜面緑地が存在している場合,その斜面緑地に対する支払意志は低いことが判った。さらに,斜面緑地が都市公園として整備されている場合の方がそうでない斜面緑地より価値評価が高い傾向にあった。, Pusan is the second biggest city in Korea, with a population of 3,680,000 and an area of 763km2. Pusan is known for being a slope city, and the slope green tract of land forms a rich natural environment. On the other hand, development of high-rise housing, in recent years, has been rapidly advancing towards the green slope lands because flat ground of residential area is limited. Therefore, the importance of slope green is now beyond our recognition. This research investigates the economic evaluation of the influence of greenery-gardening on the pricing of a housing complex in Pusan, which is known as a slope city where high-rise buildings are rapidly emerging. In order to obtain the objective value evaluation of the slope green by the residents of high-rise housings located near the slope ground, the factors governing the value evaluation of a slope greenery land were investigated by conducting the analysis using the logit model of CVM (Contingent Valuation Method). It was found that the people living far away from the slope greens have more tendencies to pay for the greenery slopes as a result of high evaluation than those staying close to them. Again, when the slope green is located in the southern part of the housing unit, the will to pay for the greenery slope tended to be low. Moreover, when the slope green has been maintained as a city park, the evaluation tended to be higher than otherwise., E, 2, KJ00004397811, 論文, Article}, pages = {122--128}, title = {釜山における高層住宅居住者の斜面緑地に対する経済的価値評価の研究}, volume = {51}, year = {}, yomi = {カネコ, タダカズ and ミノモ, トシタロウ} }