@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000268, author = {杉野, 卓也 and 根津 基和 and 宮林 茂幸 and Sugino, Takuya and Nezu Motokazu and Miyabayashi Shigeyuki}, issue = {2}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {木材価格の低迷が続き林業経営の採算性の低下が続くなど林業を取り巻く環境が厳しいなかで森林所有者(特に小規模所有者)の森林管理意欲が低下し森林荒廃の問題を引き起こしている。我が国の森林管理においてその担い手と位置づけられる森林所有者の森林管理意欲の低下は今後さらなる問題を引き起こす可能性がある。他方,近年平成の大合併と呼ばれる市町村の合併・再編が多くみられ新たに発足した市町村では地域政策の転換が図られている。林業においてもこの動きは重要な問題であり特に森林所有者と近い関係にある市町村の森林管理に対する施策の変更や継続は森林所有者の森林経営および管理意欲に大きな影響を与えるものと考えられる。そこで本論では市町村合併が林業に及ぼす影響を考察するとともにアンケート調査を基に市町村合併前の森林所有者の森林管理意識について明らかにした。, Influential factors on the will of forest owners (particularly small owners) to managing forest include the continuing slump of wood price and profit of forestry management-related activities, while conditions of surrounds forestry are severe enough to cause forest dilapidation. A fall of forest management will of the forest owner who are a leading figures of forest management may cause problems in the future. On the other hand, in recent years changes in policy in the cities, towns and villages are leading to the merger of cities, towns and villages. This is a new phenomenon and should be closely observed. This movement is an important problem in forest management. The change and continuation of measures for forest management in cities, towns and villages in particular have a big influence on forest management and management will of forests. The main focus of this paper is the influence that merger of cities, towns and villages have on forestry. I investigated the forest management awareness of forest owners before merger of cities, towns and villages, based on questionnaire survey., E, 5, KJ00004361525, 論文, Article}, pages = {102--111}, title = {市町村合併が私有林管理に与える影響 : 群馬県旧倉渕村を事例に}, volume = {51}, year = {}, yomi = {スギノ, タクヤ and ネズ, モトカズ and ミヤバヤシ, シゲユキ} }