@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000265, author = {根津, 基和 and 杉野 卓也 and 黒瀧 秀久 and 宮林 茂幸 and Nezu, Motokazu and Sugino Takuya and Kurotaki Hidehisa and Miyabayashi Sigeyuki}, issue = {2}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {群馬県群馬郡倉渕村は2006年に市町村合併を行い,箕郷町,群馬町,新町,高崎市と合併し新高崎市の一部となった。市町村合併により基礎自治体の領域が拡大するなかで,地域社会が自立を保つには上下流流域が互いに連携し,都市と農山村との交流を密接にすることが有効であるとされている。市町村合併が決定される以前に,農(林)家調査を行った結果を考察していきたい。本稿は農民層分解による集落変容という観点から,農(林)家にアプローチし,都市との連携のあり方を模索した。, Kurabuchi village in Gunma Prefecture did the consolidation of municipalities in 2006. The Kurabuchi village became a part of Shintakasaki city by the consolidation of municipalities. Cities, towns, and villages have expanded the area by the consolidation of municipalities. It is said that it is effective that people who live in the upstream and people who live in the downstream cooperate mutually, and the city cooperates mutually with the village. The friendly relation based on cooperation makes the farm village become independent politically and economically. The investigation of the family who engaged in agriculture and forestry had been done before the Kurabuchi village underwent consolidation of municipalities by Shintakasaki city. In the thesis, consideration is led as a result. Authors approach from the viewpoint of change in the stratification of peasantry and the village community.The authors described the necessity of the cooperation of the village community and the city., E, 2, KJ00004361522, 論文, Article}, pages = {69--79}, title = {農民層分解による集落変容と都市との連携の一視点 : 群馬県倉渕村における事例を中心に}, volume = {51}, year = {}, yomi = {ネズ, モトカズ and スギノ, タクヤ and クロタキ, ヒデヒサ and ミヤバヤシ, シゲユキ} }