@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000260, author = {兼橋, 和央 and 海老原 克介 and 植松 清次 and 根岸 寛光 and 松山 宣明 and 陶山 一雄 and Kanehashi, Kazuo and Ebihara Yoshiyuki and Uematsu Seiji and Negishi Hiromitsu and Matsuyama Nobuaki and Suyama Kazuo}, issue = {1}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {2001年10月,千葉県安房郡丸山町でホワイトレースフラワーの茎および葉柄が軟化腐敗し,悪臭を放つ病害の発生を認めた。本病罹病株から分離した細菌は,ホワイトレースフラワー苗を軟化腐敗させた。分離細菌は,グラム反応陰性,通性嫌気性,37℃で発育し,グルコースを発酵的に分解,硝酸塩を還元,ラクトースを利用し酸を産生したが,インドールを産生せず,酒石酸の利用は認めなかった。以上の結果から,本分離細菌をErwinia carotovora subsp. carotovoraと同定し,病名をホワイトレースフラワー軟腐病(英名 ; soft rot)とすることを提案する。, On October in 2001, a new rotting disease was found on white lace flower (Ammi majus L.) in Chiba prefecture, Japan. The diseased plant primarily showed water-soaked brown spots on the stem, petioles and leaves near the soil. The diseased tissues were rotten with peculiar odor and the whole of the plant finally wilted. Bacteria isolated from rotten tissues and isolated bacteria produced rotten symptoms on the white lace flower, chinese cabbage and cucumber plants by artificial inoculation. The causal bacterium was identified as Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora (Jones) BERGEY et.al. 1923 according to its pathogenicity and bacteriological characteristics. Bacterial disease of white lace flower has not been recorded in Japan, therefore we proposed the name "soft rot" for this disease., E, 4, KJ00004317764, 論文, Article}, pages = {21--26}, title = {Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovoraによるホワイトレースフラワー軟腐病(新称)の発生について}, volume = {51}, year = {}, yomi = {カネハシ, カズオ and エビハラ, ヨシユキ and ウメツ, セイジ and ネギシ, ヒロミツ and マツヤマ, ノブアキ and スヤマ, カズオ} }