@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000216, author = {大谷, 忠 and 栗原 良雄 and 伊東 睦泰 and Otani, Tadashi and Kurihara Yoshio and Ito Mutsuyasu}, issue = {2}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {リードカナリーグラスの低アルカロイド品種である「パラトン」および「ヴェンチャー」の生育特性を明らかにして,そこから両品種の品質特性を知るために,各単播草地の1番草,再生草を用いて調査を行った。その結果,両品種とも既存分げつの草丈,節間長,茎葉比の3形質は相互に密接な対応関係を示した。主な特徴として,茎数密度の推移は1番草の生育開始直後で500~1,000本/m^2あったが,節間の伸長開始後は急減して約300本に収斂した。再生草では刈取り直後に新分げつが多発して,各刈取り時を上回り,最大で1,600本(3回刈り後)の茎数密度を示した。全乾物重と草丈の間にはr=0.963の高い正の相関がみられ,また,茎葉比と全乾物重の間にも類似の関係が認められたが,茎葉比1.5以下の範囲での収量増加が大きいのに対して,1.5以上では,収量増加の割合は低減した。, To examine the growth and qualitative characteristics of the recently introduced low-alkaloid cultivars 'Palaton' and 'Venture' of reed canarygrass. a study was conducted using the first crop and aftermath community of the pure stand of 'Palaton' and 'Venture'. In both of the cultivars, a close mutual relation was observed among the following four characteristics : plant length of existing tillers, internodes, culm-foliage ratio (C/F). In addition, the number of tillers was 500 to 1,000 stems per square meter immediately after the first crop began to grow but decreased sharply after the internode's elongation period. In the case of the aftermath, a large number of new tillers began to grow just after the grass was harvested ; these new tillers were more than the tiller number at each harvest and reached a peak of 1,600 stems after three times of harvesting. A positive correlation (r=0.963**) was recognized between dry matter accumulation and plant length, and a similar correlation was also found between C/F and yield. While the increase in yield was great when C/F was 1.5 or less, the increase ratio fell when the C/F was more than 1.5., E, 1, KJ00004019093, 論文, Article}, pages = {47--52}, title = {リードカナリーグラス(Phalarisarundinacea L.)における低アルカロイド品種の生育特性と乾物生産との関係}, volume = {49}, year = {}, yomi = {オオタニ, タダシ and クリハラ, ヨシオ and イトウ, ムツヤス} }