@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000204, author = {曹, 炳 and 内山 寛 and 杉浦 孝蔵 and Bing, Cao and Uchiyama Hiroshi and Sugiura Takazo}, issue = {3}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {近年,中国から日本への乾および生シイタケの輸出は急増し,2001年の日本への輸出量は乾シイタケ9,165t,生シイタケ36,291tに達した。日本へのシイタケ輸出が急増した背景には,中国におけるシイタケ生産技術の開発と普及に加えて,文化大革命後の農業政策の転換と経済開放政策による農山村地域の活性化が大きく影響している。本報では,中国におけるシイタケ生産と政府の農業政策を分析し,シイタケ生産の現状と将来について考察した。すなわち,「生産責任制の導入」「人民公社の解体」「星火計画による先端技術導入」,そして,海外からの技術導入によりシイタケの品質向上が図られ,主に乾シイタケの輸出が増加した。これに加えて,輸送施設の整備により日本への生シイタケの輸出が増加した。しかし,WTO条約により日本が生シイタケについてセーフガードの暫定措置を発動したことにより,国内のシイタケ経営は大きな影響を受けた。今後の安定したシイタケ経営のために,輸出に依存した経営から,国内消費を拡大し出荷先を多角化する販売戦略によるシイタケ経営の改革も必要である。, In recent years, the export of dry shiitake mushroom and fresh shiitake mushroom from China to Japan has been increasing rapidly. The import quantity of dry shiitake mushroom in 2001 for instance, reached 9,165ton, while fresh shiitake mushroom reached 36,291ton. The background of the rapid increase of shiitake mushroom export from China is the great influence of such factors as the development and popularization of shiitake mushroomproduction technology, activation of the rural-mountainous village area according to the conversion of agricultural policy and economic open policy after the Great Cultural Revolution. In this report, Chinese shiitake mushroom production technology and the agricultural policy of the Chinese government are analyzed ; the present condition and future of Chinese shiitake mushroom production are clarified. If can be considered that export of dry shiitake mushroom has increased due to 'responsible production system', 'policy for breaking of the people's commune' and 'spreading of high technology by xing-hou program' that has resulted in the increasing quality of shiitake mushroom. Another factor in the increase of exports is that the transport system for export has been cmpleted in China. But Chinese shiitake mushroom growers were damaged by the Japanese goverment safe guard of WTO. Thus, in order tostabilize shiitake mushroom production, the establishment of the Chinese domestic market and the expansion of domestic consumption of shiitake mushroom are necessary., E, 2, KJ00004019080, 論文, Article}, pages = {80--88}, title = {中国におけるシイタケ生産に関する一考察-生産技術,農業政策および販売戦略の視点から-}, volume = {48}, year = {}, yomi = {ウチヤマ, ヒロシ and スギウラ, タカゾウ} }