@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000187, author = {丹田, 誠之助 and TANDA, Seinosuke}, issue = {4}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {うどんこ病の発生が未記録のキリシマ(ツツジ科)とメランポジゥム(キク科)及び本邦では未記録のアメリカザイフリボク(バラ科)とオオベニウツギ(スイカズラ科)でうどんこ病の発生が認められたので,病原菌の所属を検討し以下のように同定した。1.アメリカザイフリボクうどんこ病菌 : Podosphaera clandestina var. clandestinaのアナモルフ 2.オオベニウツギうどんこ病菌 : Erysiphe weigelae 3.キリシマうどんこ病菌 : Microsphaera izuensis f. breviseta 4.メランポジゥムうどんこ病菌 : Oidium asteris-punicei., Powdery mildews were found on two new host plants, hiryu azalea (Rhododendron obtusum var. obtusum) and melampodium (Melampodium paludosum), and also on juneberry (Amelanchier canadensis) and Weigela florida which have not been found in any host indexes of the powdery mildew fungi of Japan. Through the taxonomic studies of the causal fungi, the fungus on R. obtusum var. obtusum was regarded as a new forma of Microsphaera izuensis. The fungi on four new host plants are as follows : 1. The anamorph of Podosphaera clandestina var. clandestina on juneberry 2. Erysiphe weigelae on W. florida 3. Microsphaera izuensis f. breviseta on hiryu azalea 4. Oidium asteris-punicei on melampodium., E, 7, KJ00004074206, 論文, Article}, pages = {290--297}, title = {3種の花木と1種の草花に初発生したうどんこ病とその病原菌}, volume = {47}, year = {}, yomi = {タンダ, セイノスケ} }