@article{oai:nodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000140, author = {成, 富根 and 近藤 三雄 and Seong, Bugeun and Kondo Mitsuo}, issue = {3}, month = {2016-04-20}, note = {ヘデラ(Hedera)属植物の低温臨界温度や最低致死温度を究明するためにヘデラ属5種を供試し,ハードニング処理の仕方によって人工ハードニングと無ハードニング,自然ハードニングの3通りの方法で人工環境気象室で生育実験を行った。その結果,今回,供試したヘデラ属植物の中ではH. helix L. が最も低温に対する耐性に富むこと,ハードニング処理した場合のH. helix L. の低温臨界温度は-9~-12℃,最低致死温度は-16℃内外,H. canariensis Willd. の低温臨界温度は-3~-6℃内外,最低致死温度は-8℃内外であること,また,ハードニング処理を施さなければ最低致死温度はH.helixL.で-10℃内外,H. canariensis Willd. で-6℃内外になることが明らかとなった。, The experiments which analyze the lowest survival point and the lethal point of genus hedera have been held under hardening and non-hardening conditions. Three experimental categories have been prepared. First is the step down process, ie., acclimatic freezing process and the second is the plunged process which started at 20℃ and 0℃. The third is the semi-step down process which started at 2℃, used seasonal materials hardened during autumn and winter seasons. Freezing and thawing work were clone inside the artificial control chamber. The results and explanations are as follows. The most durable one is, H. helix L., down up to -9~-12℃, in which the lowest survival point and lethal point is -16℃. The lowest survival and lethal point of H. canariensis Willd., are -3~-6℃ and -8℃., E, 10, KJ00004074159, 論文, Article}, pages = {208--212}, title = {ヘデラ属植物の耐寒性の究明に関する実験的研究}, volume = {46}, year = {}, yomi = {コンドウ, ミツオ} }